Helping you organise and protect your personal information

Sunday, May 15, 2011

There must be a better way!

Today we all have many social networking sites we are connected to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, You tube, as well as many other sites we may subscribe to. We sign up for each one and they all ask us for more or less the same personal information - Name, email address, credit card details, Zip Code etc.
With each duplication, it increases the number of user-IDs and passwords we you have to remember, the data we need to keep up to date and the risk of that data being out of date or even compromised.
There should be a place where your personal information is stored once, kept up to date once and called on by these various applications rather than having to re enter it each time in each application. For example, if you need to change your address or credit card number you currently need to go to all your sites and change this information. It would be so powerful if we could update this information in one place and it was updated in all sites you use automatically.
I am aware of some attempts at Digital ID's or passports in the past. Is anyone aware of any working versions of this or any info on why that have not worked in the past?
More importantly who would like a service like this?

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